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Page history last edited by abubnic 9 years, 2 months ago






We developed this schematic to help teachers manage the workflow for vocabucasting activities.  Hope you like it!


(To view the schematic on this page, you may need to scroll down to see the image - or expand your browser window).








Podcasting Process


  1. Record using the computer and microphone with the sound-editing software. If someone messes up, just pause and repeat. Play it back listening for parts that need to be cut out or re-recorded.
  2. Save the original file and then edit a copy of the recording (give the version you are editing a different name just in case!). Show the students (or let them figure out) how to cut out long pauses, clicks and pops, and to equalize the sound and move words, sounds and dialogue around. Add polish by adding fades and music. Be careful and don't violate any copyright laws - look for royalty free audio and images.
  3. Finish editing, add sound effects and bumpers (music before and at the end) and use the sound-editing software to save the file as an .M4v file.






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