Contextual aids to word meanings
Type and examples
The following are ways to define words within a text. These forms of definition of words and terms can also be used to teach students to use context as clues to meaning while reading content-area texts. These are also useful as strategies for defining words in writing without isolating words from their context, thus focusing students on associating words with their related concepts.
1. Definition
A micrometer is an instrument used with a telescope or microscope for measuring minute distances.
2. Restatement
A cockroach has two antennae, or feelers, on its head.
3. Example
"The ship plows the sea" is an example of a metaphor.
4. Comparison/contrast
A machete, like a sword, can be very dangerous. In bright light, the pupils of the eyes contract; in the dark, they dilate.
5. Description
A ginkgo is a tree of eastern China that has fan-shaped leaves and provides much shade.
6. Familiar experience
Artificial respiration was applied to the nearly drowned man.
7. Association
He ate as ravenously as a bear.
8. Synonyms/Antonyms
The mercury in the thermometer was dropping--the quicksilver was
contracting. The acid, not the base, reddened the litmus paper.
9. Reflection of mood
All alone, Jim heard the creaking sound of the opening door and saw a shadowy figure standing suddenly before him. Jim was literally stupefied.
10. Summary
Even though he was sixty-five years old, he continued to love sports. He played a skillful game of tennis and seldom missed his daily swim. He was very athletic.
Source: Teaching Concepts and Vocabulary Principles and Strategies, Jill Kerper Mora, Ed.D., Assoc. Professor Emerita, San Diego State University
See also:
Teaching word meanings related to concepts: How to select and teach vocabulary.
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