

Page history last edited by abubnic 14 years, 10 months ago



 About Podcasting and VocabuCasting

Thousands of podcasts are being published for both local and global audiences on a multitude of topics. Two excellent places to find classroom podcasts are the Education Podcast Network (http://epnweb.org) and the podcast directory within the iTunes Music Store.


Why Should We Be Podcasting with Students?



  1. Why is podcasting so popular? Think and share your thoughts with a partner. Listen to the the podcast from Cut To The Core Essential Podcast for Educators, the episode.
  2. Use the podcast listening worksheet to keep track of answers to the content questions and write your thoughts.
  3. Discuss your thoughts and ideas that this podcast generated for you with your partner.



Link: Cut To The Core Essential Podcast for Educators, the episode, Why Podcast?
File: Podcast listening worksheet




Vocabucasting - Learning Outcomes


 - Students will expand their research, vocabulary, listening and speaking skills.


 - Students will communicate with a worldwide audience.


 - Students will learn about sound and work with electronic media.














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