About Podcasting and VocabuCasting
Thousands of podcasts are being published for both local and global audiences on a multitude of topics. Two excellent places to find classroom podcasts are the Education Podcast Network (http://epnweb.org) and the podcast directory within the iTunes Music Store.
Why Should We Be Podcasting with Students?
- Why is podcasting so popular? Think and share your thoughts with a partner. Listen to the the podcast from Cut To The Core Essential Podcast for Educators, the episode.
- Use the podcast listening worksheet to keep track of answers to the content questions and write your thoughts.
- Discuss your thoughts and ideas that this podcast generated for you with your partner.
Vocabucasting - Learning Outcomes
- Students will expand their research, vocabulary, listening and speaking skills.
- Students will communicate with a worldwide audience.
- Students will learn about sound and work with electronic media.
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