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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


3 Hour Training Agenda

Page history last edited by abubnic 15 years, 9 months ago
Time Activity Handout Trainer

Play Guess the Google



Tour of the Workshop Wiki


Show a professional podcast: Sesame Street Word on the Street

Point out to teachers that if they go to the ITunes Store
they can get the entire library of podcasts for Word on the Street - for free.  And even better, they download as a full-size screen.  (Show screenshot of the Itunes Page).

Make a bridge to classroom podcasting.Why is podcasting so popular? Think and share your thoughts with a partner. Listen to the first 2 minutes of the podcast from Cut To The Core Essential Podcast for Educators, the episode, Why Podcast?.


Use the podcast listening worksheet to keep track of answers to the content questions and write your thoughts.

Discuss your thoughts and ideas that this podcast generated with a partner.

(Note: there may not be time for the group discussion activity in this workshop but the 2-minute podcast helps set the stage).


Podcast Listening Sheet



Open discussion:

How do you teach vocabulary?  How do students feel about it?  In which subjects do you require students to know vocabulary? 

How many of you use imagery to help kids understand words and access prior knowledge?  (Google images, drawing a sketch, using a poster, book?).  Let them give examples.


Show Randy Kolset's Video from the CDE Technology Showcase.

Show Randy's Web site.

1:10 Discussion of Equipment Needs   AB

Word Assignment:

  • Give suggestions for assigning words (teacher selects in advance, kids pick from list on wiki, etc.  
  • Do students receive them after the unit has been introduced?
  • Should words be given out before the unit begins?
  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Teachers will choose a word from the vocabulary lists on the CTAP wiki

Activity: assign participants a word to work on for the day or let them pick a word from the lists.





Discussion of Definitions and Activity

  • Text Dictionary
  • Electronic dictionaries (Ed1Stop dictionaries, Merriam Webster online, OS X Dashboard dictionary)
  • Show them Google Define (Anne)
  • Pre-defined terms (Allyson)

Activity: Participants will define the word on their worksheet using one of the above methods.

*Point out the advantage of doing it with an electronic version of Word rather than paper.

  AB & AS

Word Association & Images (Discussion)

How do students decide what kind of images to look for?

  • Concrete words: tornado, capillary
  • Abstract words: nebulous, justice

(Ask the teachers to come up with ideas for how they would illustrate these words).

What if a child cannot think of an idea for an image?  What strategies would you use?

Strategy: Can you use it in a sentence?  What is a good example of this word?

Point out additional strategies at  Contextual Aids to Word Meanings (Strategies appear to be along the order of Blooms Taxonomy).  These strategies can lead to richer descriptions by the students.


Finding Images [Refer to Inspiration Chart]

Refer to wiki page on Images. 

  • Show them how to turn "strict search" on from within the Google image directory.
  • Use example words with the Google Image Directory: 
"quiver"   (Point out dangers)
  • Point out the advantage of collecting images in advance as a time-management strategy or if the district blocks Google Images.
  • Show them how Google Define, when used with Google Image Directory, pulls up images in context.
  • Show them other tricks from within the Image Directory like verb: quiver.


Mention citations for images.  Show them how to shorten a citation URL using Tiny URL.


Note the advantages to them of working on the electronic version  of the podcasting worksheet. (Drag & drop the images, cut and paste the citation URL's).  Lead them to the wiki page where they can download a copy of the Vocabucasting Worksheet in Microsoft Word format.


Participants find an image using one of the resources listed on the Images Wiki Page and/or Inspiration Chart.


Actvity:  Participants will:

  1. Save image to desktop and to IPHOTO
  2. Record the citation
  3. Write a sentence using their word.


Inspiration Chart AB

Create a Podcast Bumper

    Explain that this is a one-time only activity. 

    Model it first ("Laptops at 45").


Activity:  Teachers make Intro and Outro Bumpers for their podcasts, using the handout for directions.  Teachers will save their Bumpers in ITunes.  Not necessary for them to finish activity.  Just dabbling.


Podcast Bumpers Handout


Create a Podcast

Explain to them that handouts are for generic creation of Podcasts and not specific to VocabuCasts.  Deliberatly designed that way so they can use it for other projects.

  •     Voice Record
  •     Add Bumpers
  •     Add Image
  •     Add "information" (definition, citation, sentence etc)

Activity:  Teachers create a podcast for their vocabulary word.


Create a Podcast Handout AS

Discussion about Saving, Collecting Student files and Publishing

  • Remind them not to use "save as" command on the final product
  • Go to SHARE MENU and show them how they can export to disk or export to IWEB
  • Show them how all of the info then posts onto the iWeb page.
  • Mention how the personal info about the word gets lost if you export to the desktop and it will have to be re-entered.  This is because ILIFE products are intgrated with each other, but not with someone else's ILIFE Products.  Specific to one computer.
  • Take them to the Sharing page on the wiki.  Mention thumb drives, servers, public storage.
  • Remind them of the classroom realities:
  1. Multiple students working at one time.
  2. Students working from both school and home
  3. May need a virtual way to save their work.


Point out Podcasting rubric.


Remind them that all videos and handouts from this workshop can be found on the wiki.



Podomatic Handout AB








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